Along with the new Bee Box in FarmVille 2,
which allows you to collect honey and eventually receive a new outfit
for your in-game avatar, the game has been updated with a series of
eight quests in an associated "Bee All You Can Bee" event. We're here
with a guide to help you finish off these eight quests, thanks to Zynga. Let's get started!

Buzz On!
The Bee Box doesn't need to be fully constructed to finish this quest. In addition, even though thuest window shows off Daisies and Apple Trees, you can harvest any and all kinds of flowers or trees, depending on what you may have available / may be working on at the time.
Bee Yourself
The Bee Compasses are earned by asking your friends to send them to you. While you're waiting on those to arrive, you can plant Pumpkins, which take eight hours to grow. Finally, the Orange Yarn Flower Bouquet requires one Wool Thread Spindle and one Orange Yarn Flower to create. The Flower itself is made using a Wool Bolt, Orange Yarn, regular Yarn and Pumpkins through a series of multiple crafting projects.
This Place is Buzzing!
If you've yet to finish building your Bee Box, you'll need to gather building materials and even friends as helpers to finish it off. Check out our complete guide to the Bee Box to catch up. As for the Furnace, this can only be tended if you don't have a full amount of Power in your inventory, so you'll need to craft something first before tending it. Those Porcelain Mugs, for instance, can be crafted using one Pottery Slip and one Porcelain per batch. Both of these items require prior crafting, using different amounts of Mud and Water.
Shake It Like a Bee
The Bee Dance Cards are earned by asking your friends to send them to you. Meanwhile, you'll need to plant and harvest a large amount of crops to complete the Bee Box task. Harvesting crops produces Honey, and when the Bee Box is full of Honey, you'll be able to harvest it manually with a single click.
To Bee or Not to Bee
The Hen House is available to tend once per day so long as you have Chickens running around on your farm, while the Sunflower Pots can be created inside the Crafting Kiln using five Sunflowers and one Decorated Clay Pot per item. Since you need to harvest Flowers for this quest anyway, you should try to plant as many Sunflowers as you can. They're available to harvest after growing for 24 hours.
Bee Kind
The Strawberry Lemonades are created inside the Crafting Kitchen using a combination of Water, Lemons, and Strawberries over various crafting projects.

Getting from Hay to Bee
The Honey Dippers are earned by asking your friends for help, while the Watermelon Radishes are available to harvest after growing for four hours. The Watermelon Radish Bites can be crafted inside the Crafting Kitchen using two Batter and 10 Watermelon Radishes per batch. If you don't have any Batter at the time, it can be created using Wheat, Flour, and Eggs.
You Bee Long Here
The Bee Hive can be used to increase the productivity of your crops in the same way that Fertilizer increases your payouts. As for the Farmhands, you can use the daily Farmhand that shows up for free once per day, or you can ask your friends to come help you out.
These quests will be available for the next 10 days. Good luck finishing them all off in time!

Buzz On!
- Have 1 Bee Box
- Harvest 15 Flowers
- Harvest 5 Trees
The Bee Box doesn't need to be fully constructed to finish this quest. In addition, even though thuest window shows off Daisies and Apple Trees, you can harvest any and all kinds of flowers or trees, depending on what you may have available / may be working on at the time.
Bee Yourself
- Collect 5 Bee Compasses
- Harvest 15 Pumpkins
- Make 1 Orange Yarn Flower Bouquet
The Bee Compasses are earned by asking your friends to send them to you. While you're waiting on those to arrive, you can plant Pumpkins, which take eight hours to grow. Finally, the Orange Yarn Flower Bouquet requires one Wool Thread Spindle and one Orange Yarn Flower to create. The Flower itself is made using a Wool Bolt, Orange Yarn, regular Yarn and Pumpkins through a series of multiple crafting projects.
This Place is Buzzing!
- Finish the Bee Box
- Tend Furnace 1 Time
- Make 2 Porcelain Mugs
If you've yet to finish building your Bee Box, you'll need to gather building materials and even friends as helpers to finish it off. Check out our complete guide to the Bee Box to catch up. As for the Furnace, this can only be tended if you don't have a full amount of Power in your inventory, so you'll need to craft something first before tending it. Those Porcelain Mugs, for instance, can be crafted using one Pottery Slip and one Porcelain per batch. Both of these items require prior crafting, using different amounts of Mud and Water.
Shake It Like a Bee
- Collect 5 Bee Dance Cards
- Tend the Bee Box 1 Time
- Feed 2 Adult Horses
The Bee Dance Cards are earned by asking your friends to send them to you. Meanwhile, you'll need to plant and harvest a large amount of crops to complete the Bee Box task. Harvesting crops produces Honey, and when the Bee Box is full of Honey, you'll be able to harvest it manually with a single click.
To Bee or Not to Bee
- Harvest 20 Flowers
- Tend Hen House 1 Time
- Make 2 Sunflower Pots
The Hen House is available to tend once per day so long as you have Chickens running around on your farm, while the Sunflower Pots can be created inside the Crafting Kiln using five Sunflowers and one Decorated Clay Pot per item. Since you need to harvest Flowers for this quest anyway, you should try to plant as many Sunflowers as you can. They're available to harvest after growing for 24 hours.
Bee Kind
- Tend Bee Box 1 Time
- Make 4 Strawberry Lemonades
- Feed 2 Adult Cows
The Strawberry Lemonades are created inside the Crafting Kitchen using a combination of Water, Lemons, and Strawberries over various crafting projects.

Getting from Hay to Bee
- Collect 5 Honey Dippers
- Harvest 30 Watermelon Radishes
- Make 2 Watermelon Radish Bites
The Honey Dippers are earned by asking your friends for help, while the Watermelon Radishes are available to harvest after growing for four hours. The Watermelon Radish Bites can be crafted inside the Crafting Kitchen using two Batter and 10 Watermelon Radishes per batch. If you don't have any Batter at the time, it can be created using Wheat, Flour, and Eggs.
You Bee Long Here
- Use 1 Bee Hive on your Farm
- Use 4 Farmhands
- Harvest 30 Flower Crops
The Bee Hive can be used to increase the productivity of your crops in the same way that Fertilizer increases your payouts. As for the Farmhands, you can use the daily Farmhand that shows up for free once per day, or you can ask your friends to come help you out.
These quests will be available for the next 10 days. Good luck finishing them all off in time!