FarmVille Planet Organic arrived today in FarmVille! Note, this new feature is on a slow roll out to all farmers so hang tight if you don’t have the update just yet.
Earth Day is around the corner, and just in time you will be able to Certify some of your FarmVille crops as Organic!
The new FarmVille Organic crops will yield double XP, double Farm Coins, and more bushels forever!

What is an Organic Crop?
The new FarmVille Organic Crops are special because when they are harvested you’ll get special benefits. These special rewards include the following.
Organic Crop Rewards
Double XP for that Crop
Double Farm Coins for that Crop
More Bushels for that Crop
Also, Organic Crops can be used in some upcoming FarmVille Leaderboard Challenges and in special Organic Recipes in your Crafting Buildings.
Organic Crop Uses:
Leaderboard Challenges
Crafting Recipes
How Do I Get My Crops Organic Certified?

First of all, before you are able to certify your crops as Organic, you will need to have mastered them to three stars. Once you have mastered a specific crop to three starts, you can certify them as Organic by simply planting and harvesting as usual. Each time you grow that crop you will automatically earn points toward Organic Certification.
Organic Certified Crops
As already mentioned, currently only a select group of crops are available for Organic Certification. The following FarmVille crops liste below can be certified as Organic.
FarmVille Organic Certified Crops:
FarmVille Blueberry
FarmVille Broccoli
FarmVille Carrot
FarmVille Cotton
FarmVille Eggplant
FarmVille Grape
FarmVille Onion
FarmVille Pea
FarmVille Pepper
FarmVille Pumpkin
FarmVille Raspberry
FarmVille Soybean
FarmVille Spinach
FarmVille Strawberry
FarmVille Tomato
FarmVille Wheat
More good news! FarmVille has brought back some previous Limited Edition crops that can now also be certified as Organic. Those Limited Edition crops are listed below:

Re-released Limited Edition Crops Now Organic Certified
FarmVille Ballet Queen Flower
FarmVille Pink Bow
FarmVille Rainbow
FarmVille Red Corn
Earth Day is around the corner, and just in time you will be able to Certify some of your FarmVille crops as Organic!
The new FarmVille Organic crops will yield double XP, double Farm Coins, and more bushels forever!

What is an Organic Crop?
The new FarmVille Organic Crops are special because when they are harvested you’ll get special benefits. These special rewards include the following.
Organic Crop Rewards
Double XP for that Crop
Double Farm Coins for that Crop
More Bushels for that Crop
Also, Organic Crops can be used in some upcoming FarmVille Leaderboard Challenges and in special Organic Recipes in your Crafting Buildings.
Organic Crop Uses:
Leaderboard Challenges
Crafting Recipes
How Do I Get My Crops Organic Certified?

First of all, before you are able to certify your crops as Organic, you will need to have mastered them to three stars. Once you have mastered a specific crop to three starts, you can certify them as Organic by simply planting and harvesting as usual. Each time you grow that crop you will automatically earn points toward Organic Certification.
Organic Certified Crops
As already mentioned, currently only a select group of crops are available for Organic Certification. The following FarmVille crops liste below can be certified as Organic.
FarmVille Organic Certified Crops:
FarmVille Blueberry
FarmVille Broccoli
FarmVille Carrot
FarmVille Cotton
FarmVille Eggplant
FarmVille Grape
FarmVille Onion
FarmVille Pea
FarmVille Pepper
FarmVille Pumpkin
FarmVille Raspberry
FarmVille Soybean
FarmVille Spinach
FarmVille Strawberry
FarmVille Tomato
FarmVille Wheat
More good news! FarmVille has brought back some previous Limited Edition crops that can now also be certified as Organic. Those Limited Edition crops are listed below:

Re-released Limited Edition Crops Now Organic Certified
FarmVille Ballet Queen Flower
FarmVille Pink Bow
FarmVille Rainbow
FarmVille Red Corn